A blog with a tiny travel dog


Awesome stops along the Icefields Parkway in Canada

Winding 232 kilometers / 144 miles through the heart of the Canadian Rockies, the Icefields Parkway – between the big hubs of Jasper and Banff – is one of the

The best short, but stunning hikes of Jasper NP

“Short hikes?!” you might think. “What’s up with that, girl!”.  Yes it’s true.. I mainly did easy hikes in Jasper National Park, but I couldn’t help it (pinky swear). All

5x scenic drives around Jasper National Park, Canada

Does anyone else have the problem that every new place they visit becomes their new favourite? And that you’re just absolutely convinced you need to live there? It happened to

That ‘Bob Ross’-like road trip: Vancouver to Jasper

There are so many ways to enter both Jasper and Banff as seen from Vancouver, that it may be difficult to decide what route to take. There’s not really a

PHOTOS: The very best of Jasper National Park, Canada

As a Dutch person, being born and raised in a far too overpopulated country where every form of (wild)life needs to be controlled in favour of humans and everything is