A blog with a tiny travel dog


4 x things to do in Hope, Canada

I arrived in the little town of Hope in British Colombia after a long day of driving along the fruits valleys of the highway 3 in the south. The sun

Hiking the Wild Pacific Trail on the edge of Canada

Nope thy Reese Witherspoon adorer, this article is NOT about the PCT – the Pacific Crest Trail – that hike that has been made famous by the book (and movie

What to do in the quirky town of Revelstoke, Canada

The little town of Revelstoke on the edge of the Canadian Rockies is currently standing high on my “I need to move there right now” list. In fact, when I flick

PHOTOS: The very best of Jasper National Park, Canada

As a Dutch person, being born and raised in a far too overpopulated country where every form of (wild)life needs to be controlled in favour of humans and everything is