A blog with a tiny travel dog

PHOTOS: the delicate beauty of hummingbirds

When I used to live in Europe I never really cared about birds (except when it came to my presentation about ducks in 4th grade), but that kind of changed when I came to Costa Rica. Since everything here is basically revolved around nature, birds became part of that exploration too. A couple of weeks ago I even dedicated two days finding the resplendent quetzal, a difficult to spot yet typical Central American green fellow. Afterwards I realised it’s possibly safe to say that I’ve become one of those birdnerds. I even recognize many of them by the sound. Feeling sixty already by just saying it. 

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to picturing birds, are the supercute and superfast hummingbirds. With every move they make their colours change vigorously. The tiny fellows are everywhere, but every time I hear one in my garden (helicopter sound, true story), they’re gone before I know it. Still I managed to create a small collection of them, with some species identified, made across Central America!

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